Lemonade Vase

Lemonade Vase Using Pottdpeople Clay Kit


1/31/20251 min read

Your next DIY project to add to your dopamine decor

Lemonade Candle Holder

How cute is this lemonade vase! No words needed! Create your own today to add to your dopamine decor

Credits: @pottdpeople


  1. Cut out paper rectangle to create your lemonade box. Size will depend on how big you want it! Cut an additional smaller rectangle for the display sign

  2. Knead and roll your clay to around 0.5cm thick.

  3. Using the smaller rectangle piece, add waves to the bottom edge.

  4. Score one piece of rectangle the centre to attach the smaller rectangle.

  5. Using clay create the letters “lemonade”. Score and attache to the centre of the smaller rectangle.

  6. Create lemon shape around 0.5cm thick and score and attach below the letters.

  7. Roll out a 30cm cylinder around 1cm thick and bend the top quarter to create your straw

  8. Using the other rectangle pieces, assembly your box. Make sure you score and slip the edges together for a strong hold!

  9. Let clay dry for 24-48 hours

  10. Coat with base white coat and let dry

  11. Paint with acrylic paint and let it dry

  12. Coat with gloss vanish

  13. Add flowers to decorate!

Create your own donut today!